Stress accompanies us in our daily lives every step of the way. It often has a negative sign, although it is not always due to negative influences. It is caused by all the changes: travel, changing jobs, new partnerships, etc. Whether stress is positive or negative depends on the attitude we have towards the individual factors that cause it and how we deal with them. Our body responds to stress through physical, mental, and emotional responses. We can learn to control them, thereby greatly reducing their impact on our lives and health. In order to manage the factors and the effects of stress, we must first recognize them.
the most common causes of workplace stress.
Relationships at work
As in all areas of life, there are ups and downs at work. If we are in a positive work environment, it is easier to overcome the falls and look forward to the ups and downs. Working is a time where we spend a large part of our lives. We need smiles, greetings, and short chats at work. One of the basic needs of a person is to feel that we belong to an environment and to be part of a group. When relationships between employees or managers and employees are deteriorating or nonexistent, the risk of stress is greatly increased. When relationships are not good, this also affects the productivity of the team, as information does not flow. At the same time, everyone starts to cover their backs, slowing down the process.
Every organization needs to make sure that employee relationships are good and that communication is based on respect and reciprocity.
Management requirements
Leadership in each organization exists to delegate tasks. But when executives do it inappropriately, it can put their subordinates or other leaders under stress. Management must have a moderately rational view of the capacities of employees and processes. The job of the manager is to find the optimal balance between the tasks and capabilities of the employees and processes. When the requirements are too high, stress and burnout occur. And when the requirements are too loose, it causes boredom and a lack of focus among employees.
The ambiguity of the role
If one of the basic human needs is to belong to a group, the same applies to understanding one’s role in that environment. Understanding your role at the same time provides an understanding of the responsibility it entails. Employees who do not understand their role and do not know the level of their responsibility will experience a much greater degree of stress when making decisions. At the same time, they may also take on too much work. A clear division of roles is an important step towards reducing workplace stress.
Lack of control
Everyone is very different and everyone has their own way of working. When an employee is forced into a particular way of working, it can cause extreme levels of stress. This brings a lot of uncertainty. Employees need a sense of control to be involved in setting goals and setting goals, following their suggestions, and scheduling tasks independently within working hours.
Lack of support
All for one, one for all still holds. Employees need a sense that their colleagues, management, and subordinates are standing by them. This is not about postponing work, but knowing that they will get the information they need in their work to be supported. That the whole team is just as motivated to complete the projects as they themselves are. When employees do not have that feeling, frustration, a sense of undesirability, and a sense of not being valued for their work arise.
Poor work-life balance
It is time to work and it is time to rest and enjoy. In addition to all the benefits of technology, it has also made us available, and everyone is expecting an immediate response. It happens that employees carry their work home, taking time to do the things that are, or should be, the most important things in life. Long, unpredictable hours and constant alertness are the most common reasons for stress. Research shows that after 8 hours of work, work capacity and concentration drop sharply. Which means that long hours do not produce the desired result. It is very important that companies pay sufficient attention to work organization and design work so that employees work smart and not for very long periods of time.