Do you have communication noise?

The topic of successful communication is very popular. It often happens that we are sure that we have agreed on everything. However, when it comes time to make arrangements, it quickly turns out that everyone had a slightly different story in mind. Basically, communication seems very easy. Someone says what he or she thinks, wants, or expects and the other person accepts it, or says what he or she wants, thinks, or expects. Yet, in practice, things are not so simple. Everyone speaks “their own” language. By this, I do not mean different languages between nations, but different ways of expressing each individual inner world, and it is often the case that thoughts, desires, and expectations have different realities in each mind. How to communicate successfully when there are differences between us

Much of our communication takes place at an unconscious level, and it is important for us to understand our desires, thoughts, and expectations. Then, through a concise thought process, we communicate them to the other side. It is especially important that you pay attention to effective communication with your manager. In a process where you are not in the same hierarchical line, it can quickly happen that some facts remain unspoken but have a strong impact on the realization of individual tasks. If you often wonder where things went wrong, there is a good chance that you made one of the most common mistakes in the communication process.

The most common errors that cause communication noise are:

Poor message structure

A thought, an idea, or a desire is already forming in us, and before we communicate it to the world, we already have a well-formed picture of what we want to present. As a result, the final messages to the other side are shorter and lack some key elements that significantly affect understanding.

To communicate with everyone involved, use the same method.

We are all different people, and everyone has a different way of receiving and giving information. Therefore, effective communication requires an understanding of individuals and how they receive information. This problem is most commonly encountered by managers who want to maintain the same level of communication with all subordinates, although they do receive different information from each of them.

Reaction instead of response

Reaction instead of response often leads to conflict or a great misunderstanding. If you look closely at the world of politics, this is often their style of communication. Pay attention to your reactions and the reactions of your employees, as sometimes the boundary between reaction and response is very thin.

Avoiding unpleasant topics

Criticism and disagreement are often topics that we want to ignore, as they are unpleasant and can lead to conflict, while requiring more effort in communication and the risk of not achieving everything we set out to do. Avoiding criticism and disagreement leads to a less successful implementation of the agreement.

E-mails with bad news or complex tasks

Email is a great tool for communication and communication tracking, but not for all occasions. Bad news and complex tasks have multiple levels of communication; the key level is the relational and non-verbal levels that cannot be communicated via email. Without this level of communication, effective communication is ineffective in such cases.

Inactive listening

One of the most important parts of successful communication is understanding the other side, which begins with active listening. In addition to content, we can recognize the style and purpose of communication. Our communication can be effective and, in addition, contribute to building a relationship. Without active listening, disagreements and different versions of the same story arise.

Predvidevanje, a sporoilo prejeto je bilo sporoilo prejeto,

We storili ele polovico dela as we izrazimo kar smo eleli.e posebej v situation, ko je namen komunikacije razdelitev nalog, se ele zane v tej toki komunikacij.Preverite ali je sporoilo sprejeto, ali je sporoilo razumljeno tako kako si eleli.

eprav se nam mnogokrat zdi samoumevna in nepomemben del pri zagotavljanju uspenosti organizacije, je mnogokrat prav slaba komunikacija vzrok za slabo organizacijsko klimo, slabo izpolnjene delovne naloge, slabo motivVse zane in kona s komunikacijoTo that end, we’ve created a delavnico just for communication, and we’re also offering prilagojene trainings and delavnice uinkovite communication to anyone who wants it.Pokliite nas in zagotovite svetovalno uro brezplano.

Predicting that a message has been received

When we expressed what we wanted, we only did half the work. Especially in a situation where the purpose of communication is to delegate tasks, communication is just beginning. Make sure that the message is received and that the message is understood as intended.

Although communication is often taken for granted and plays an insignificant part in ensuring the success of an organization, In many cases, poor communication is the cause of poor organizational climate, poorly fulfilled work tasks, poor employee motivation, and many other problems in the company. It all begins and ends with communication.

That is why we carry out tailored training and effective communication workshops for your needs. Call us for a free consultation.

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